Feasts of Saints
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Saints Cyril the Church-father of Jerusalem, and the other bishop Cyril and his mother Anna
St. Cyril of Jerusalem is one of the prominent Patriarchs of Jerusalem. He has been repeatedly persecuted by the supporters of the Arian heresy, he has been exiled, and however, eventually again has become the Patriarch of Jerusalem. He has participated in the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople. Many sermons and speeches of the Patriarch Cyril about Christian doctrine have been translated into Armenian. His letter addressed to the King Costandios on the occasion of the apparition of the Holy Cross in the sky of Jerusalem is up to date read in the Armenian churches. Patriarch Cyril’s collection of sermons is instructive and edifying for those who are preparing for baptism. According to the tradition the basin in which Patriarch Cyril has been baptized is inside the Chapel of St Stephen of the Church of St. Hakob (St. James), of Jerusalem. The Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates the memory of the Patriarch Cyril twice during the year. St. Cyril the Bishop is the contemporary of St. Cyril the Patriarch. His secular name is Huda. According to the hagiographical sources, well knowing the locality, Bishop Cyril helps the queen Heghine (Helen) to find the Holy cross of Christ, Witnessing the wonder-working power of the Holy Cross Bishop Cyril is baptized together with his mother, Anna, and after the baptism is renamed “Cyril”. Later he is ordained a bishop and during the period of exile of the Patriarch Cyril he takes his place for a time. Being subjected to severe torments, Bishop Cyril and his mother have been killed during the persecutions realized by the King Julianos the Սուրբ Կյուրեղ Երուսաղեմի Հայրապետի, Կյուրեղ եպիսկոպոսի և նրա մոր` Աննայի հիշատակության օր Սբ. Կյուրեղ Երուսաղեմցին 4-րդ դարի նշանավոր հայրապետներից է: Նա բազմիցս հետապնդվել է Արիոսական հերձվածի կողմնակիցների կողմից, աքսորվել, սակայն ի վերջո վերահաստատվել է հայրապետական աթոռին: Մասնակցել է 381 թվականի Կ.Պոլսի Բ Տիեզերական ժողովին: Կյուրեղ Հայրապետի քրիստոնեական վարդապետության մասին բազմաթիվ քարոզներ ու ճառեր միջնադարում թարգմանվել են նաեւ հայերեն, իսկ Երուսաղեմի երկնակամարում Սբ. Խաչի երեւման առիթով Կոստանդիոս կայսերն ուղարկած նրա թուղթն առ այսօր ընթերցվում է հայոց եկեղեցիներում: Առավել հայտնի է Կյուրեղ Հայրապետի «Կոչումն ընծայութեան» ճառերի և քարոզների ժողովածուն, որն ուսանելի է բոլոր նրանց համար, ովքեր պատրաստվում են մկրտության: Ըստ ավանդության՝ Երուսաղեմի Սբ. Հակոբ եկեղեցու Սբ. Ստեփանոս մատուռի մեջ է գտնվում այն ավազանը, որտեղ մկրտվել է Կյուրեղ Հայրապետը: Սբ. Կյուրեղ Հայրապետի անունը Հայ Եկեղեցում հիշատակվում է երկու անգամ` Մեծ Պահքի երկրորդ շաբաթ օրը և 12 վարդապետների շարքում` հոկտեմբերի վերջին շաբաթ օրը: Սբ. Կյուրեղ Հայրապետի ժամանակակիցն է Սբ. Կյուրեղ եպիսկոպոսը (նախկին անունը` Հուդա): Ըստ վարքագրական աղբյուրների՝ տեղանքին լավատեղյակ լինելով, օգնել է Հեղինե դշխոյին գտնելու Քրիստոսի խաչափայտը: Տեսնելով Սբ. Խաչի հրաշագործ զորությունը, իր մոր` Աննայի հետ մկրտվում է` անվանակոչվելով Կյուրեղ: Հետագայում ձեռնադրվում է եպիսկոպոս, իսկ Կյուրեղ Հայրապետի աքսորում լինելու ժամանակ փոխարինում է նրան: Կյուրեղ եպիսկոպոսը, ենթարկվելով անասելի կտտանքների, նահատակվում է մոր հետ, Հուլիանոս Ուրացողի հետապնդումների ժամանակ: Սբ. Կյուրեղ եպիսկոպոսի և նրա մոր` Աննայի հիշատակության օրը նշվում է Սբ. Կյուրեղ Հայրապետի հետ միասին` Մեծ Պահքի երկրորդ շաբաթ օրը: Betrayer.http://www.qahana.am/en/holidays/2018-02-24/1
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Saints John the Church-father of Jerusalem, and our Church-father John of Otzn, and our Church-doctors John of Orodn and Gregory of Datev
Commemoration of St. John the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Armenian Patriarch St. John of Otzoon, St. John of Vorotan and St. Gregory of Datev St. John (Hovhannes) of Otzoon, who has also been recognized as “the Philosopher”, is one of the greatest fathers of the Armenian Church. According to hagiographers, he possessed both spiritual and mental brilliance. During the 11 years of his reign (717-728), Catholicos Hovhannes managed to withstand Byzantine and Arab pressures and incursions, while struggling mightily against sects. Hovhannes of Otzoon endowed to us a rich and priceless literary legacy. His work entitled “Canons of the Armenians” is the first voluminous collection in Armenian history, which contains ecclesiastical canons and laws. He is also famous as the author of numerous sermons and church hymns. Among the most important initiatives undertaken by Catholicos Hovhannes of Otzoon, is the church council convened in Dvin in 725, with the aim of reforming the Armenian Church. He also convened the meeting in Manazkert in 726, dedicated to the goal of strengthening the union of the Armenian and Assyrian Churches. The tomb of Catholicos Hovhannes is in the Church of Srbanes (St. Hovhannes) in the village of Ardvi, near his birthplace of Otzoon. The church has remained a sanctuary for the faithful of the Armenian Nation. The names of Vartabeds (church divine or archimandrite) St John (Hovhan) of Vorotan (1315-1388) and St. Gregory of Datev (1346-1410) are closely interrelated. Gregory of Datev, the greatest Vartabed and theologian of the Armenian Church, studied under Hovhan of Vorotan, and later raised the famous school founded by his teacher in the Monastery of Datev. Gregory of Datev authored numerous significant theological works. Included in his literary legacy are the “Book of Questions” and the collections of his sermons. He is closely associated with Hovhan of Vorotan, because as a result of the notes and records made by Gregory, a portion of the literary legacy of Hovhan has survived to this day. Finally, the blessed memory of St. John the Patriarch of Jerusalem is commemorated on the same day, along with the aforementioned three fathers of the Armenian Church. St. John was Patriarch of Jerusalem in the 4th Century. He is remembered to this day as being a great orator and a defender of Christianity through his sermons. http://www.qahana.am/en/holidays/2018-03-03/1
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The Forty Holy Martyrs
Commemoration of the forty Holy Martyrs The Forty Holy Martyrs martyred in approximately 320 AD were Christians from various towns and cities of Lesser Armenia. They served as soldiers in the royal regiment of Sebastia. Upon the decree of Roman Emperor Likianos, interrogations were organized by Lucias, Duke of Caesarea, to reveal the Christian soldiers. Forty of the soldiers remain steadfast in their faith, defy the judges by their brave answers, and are imprisoned. One cold winter night the soldiers are thrown into a lake near Sebastia, to freeze them to death. Only one of the forty soldiers, being unable to endure the torments, comes out of the water, and tries to find salvation in a bathhouse built on the bank. The lone soldier dies and becomes deprived of both earthly and heavenly life. At dawn, halos are seen encircling the heads of the soldiers. One of the guards charged with the execution of the forty, witnessing the holy phenomenon accepts Christ and throws himself into the lake to be martyred along with the others. In the morning it becomes apparent that through a divine miracle, the forty soldiers have been saved from freezing. This infuriates their captors who execute them and thus, they become martyrs. The martyrs’ remains are buried in Sebastia, where subsequently a Forty-domed Cathedral is built. The Cathedral of Sebastia stood for nearly one thousand years until the invasion of Tamerlane and the Mongols at the end of the 14th Century. The name of the “Forty Martyrs Cathedral” has survived to this day.
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Commemoration of the terrible torturing and imprisonment of Gregory our Illuminator in the deep pit
Commemoration of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s torments and commitment to the pit This feast is the first one among the three commemoration days dedicated to the memory of St. Gregory the Illuminator, the first Catholicos of All Armenians. According to the Armenian Church Calendar, it is celebrated on the eve of the Fifth Sunday during the period of Great Lent. The feast is dedicated to the torments which St. Gregory suffered during his imprisonment. According to historical sources, St. Gregory the Illuminator was the son of Anak Partev, a knight and nobleman, who killed the Armenian King Khosrov Arshakouni. In retaliation, Anak is executed by the Armenians. His son, Gregory, lived and studied in Caesarea, and was brought up as a pious Christian. Gregory returns to Armenia as an adult and becomes a member of the royal court. King Tiridates (Trdat), the son of King Khosrov and heir to the throne, appoints Gregory as the Chancellor of the Armenian Kingdom. Tiridates, learning that Gregory is a Christian and the son of Anak, subjects him to severe tortures and commits Gregory to death, by imprisoning him in a deep underground pit. In 301 A.D., after spending 13 years in the pit, St. Gregory the Illuminator is freed from the dungeon and emerges to spread the Light of Christ in Armenia. He thus becomes the first pontiff of the Armenian Church, baptizes the royal family, and evangelizes the whole of the Armenian Nation. Armenia becomes the first nation in the world to officially proclaim Christianity as her state religion. St. Gregory the Illuminator is recognized by all of Christendom as a Saint, and he is commemorated in all traditional Christian Churches.