When one requests Hokehankisd/Requiem Service
The Requiem Service or Hokehankisd is not only a custom but also a rule of the church. Forty days after the death of a member of the church, a Requiem is offered for the repose of his/her soul. This also ends the official mourning period and usually the grave of the departed is also blessed.
After the Forty Days Requiem (Karasoonk), Hokehankisd may be requested annually on the Sunday closest to the date of death. Requiem services may not be performed on the Five Major or Tabernacle Feasts (Daghavars) .
Likewise, Hokehankisd should not be performed on Dominical Feasts, i.e. Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost etc.
Although through the Requiem we are praying for our departed as a matter of love and respect, we cannot alter their state or the final judgment. What we do request through prayer is that the Lord remembers our loved ones and judges them mercifully and with compassion.

You can download the below form from here

Requiem form