St. Stepanos Women’s Guild Thanksgiving Luncheon
Last Sunday, November 6st. following Badarak, we all were reminded by our Sunday School students for many things that we can be thankful for: our families; our health; the blessings of America; our heritage and our homeland. Our children presented a beautiful play dedicated to the Thanksgiving celebration and it make
the Women’s Guild Thanksgiving Luncheon to become a true thanksgiving for our church family with delicious food.
The turkey with all trimmings were prepared and donated by Azat Lahham. The dessert, fruit and drinks were donated by Ofig Jidarian, Marie Haytaian, Ginny Sabonjian, Norig Buchakjian, Ala Monokian, Arlene Heitman, Valerie Boodagians, Ethel Yezdanian, Yester Garabedian, Mary Ann Berberian and Liana Orbelyan. Including many children, more than 90 people were present.
We held raffle and all winners returned their prize from the raffle to St. Stepanos Women’s Guild. As always, we thank all our friends for their help, and let us remember, when we gather round the table in the company of our family members and friends to bow our heads to say thank-you to God.