Thanksgiving at St. Stepanos


IMG_2271The St. Stepanos family gathered for Thanksgiving celebration on Sunday, November 12.

Over 70 people, adults and children attended the luncheon chaired by the members of Executive Committee, Ofig Jidarian and Ala Monokian.

Once again, the ladies came through and demonstrated great team work. The traditional Thanksgiving menu was given an Armenian touch with the addition of Khapama, a dish well known in Armenia and newly introduced to the American diaspora.

It was a true Thanksgiving, which brought together parishioners and their families, some came with friends and extended family members.

Everyone enjoyed the delicious meal so generously provided by the ladies of the Guild.

The success of the event was obvious right away. Food was going fast and noise in the hall was at its peak, like in every happy family gathering, when everyone is happy to be there and share a story or a joke.

This was also an opportunity for the current Executive Committee members to express their gratitude to St. Stepanos church and parishioners for 3 year continuous support by presenting a slide show of WG life covering events in 2015-2017.


Thank You,

Ala Monokian, St. Stepanos WG Executive Committee, CS

Ofig Jidarian, St. Stepanos WG Executive Committee, Vice Chairperson

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