We celebrated The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

cross-with-basilOn Sunday, September 11, 2016 St.Stepanos Armenian Church celebrated The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. At the end of Badarak we held the Blessing of the Four Corners of the earth service (Antastan). Our altar servers, Der Hayr and all faithful people together went outside to bless the four corners of the earth. The power of the cross was invoked during the Antasdan by our prayer: “By the Holy Cross, let us beseech the Lord, that through it he may save us from sins and save us by the grace of his mercy”.

After the church service our traditional Pot Luck Luncheon was hosted again by the St. Stepanos Women’s Guild. Der Hayr Daniel Karadjian led us in prayer for the Feast day as well as reading for the second time the Diocese prayer for recognition of the events of September 11, 2001. Fifty parishioners were in attendance for an array of scrumptious foods prepared by members of the Women’s Guild.

The Luncheon was co-chaired by Marie Haytaian and Virginia Sabonjian. Everyone enjoyed the food, friendship and the significance of the day.img_0641 img_0639img_0642






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