Holy Week 2021

The celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is actually the culmination of some rituals and commemorations that were held at St. Stepanos Armenian Church, known as Holy Week.


Our Church, on March 28 celebrated Palm Sunday, the triumphant entry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. The “Opening of the Doors” (Trnpatsek) service followed, and the church curtain was opened after being closed for the duration of Great Lent.

Following Palm Sunday services, the St. Stepanos Women’s Guild held a take-out food fundraiser featuring a variety of delicacies from local Armenian bakers as well as items made by the guild members. Having found a strong response to their winter take-out food fundraiser, the ladies were determined to provide another opportunity for the community to stock up on their favorite goodies while supporting the church.


The morning service of the absolution/dismissal of penitents was held by our Pastor and Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kilejian, followed by Divine Liturgy in commemoration of the Last Supper at which Jesus instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist by giving Holy Communion to His disciples.

The service was live-streamed and many of our parishioners were touched by the beauty of this service. In the afternoon the Washing of the Feet service took a place.

Fr. Daniel performed the service and washed the feet of only three persons. The service began with a prayer. Our Pastor and our altar servers read scripture passages. Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon read the essay titled “About Love” by Archimandrite Hovhannes Pluz.

Upon the conclusion of the service, Der Hayr and the altar servers prepared the altar for another moving service called Havarman service, which consists an elaborate Night Service plus the Morning Service. All the Gospel readings during the service recall the prayer of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, His betrayal, arrest, and the denial of Peter. 


On Holy Friday, the parishioners gathered in our Church to attend the Crucifixion and Burial service in the evening. The symbolic tomb was decorated and the faithful placed flowers on it. As Der Hayr, Hayr Sourp and the deacons prayed and sang the church hymn Berkevadoun, each parishioner who attended the service took their turn to bow before the tomb of the Lord and offered their personal.


The Holy Saturday Evening Service, started at 6:30 p.m. Our faithful and the altar servers read scripture passages. The last reading was from the Book of Daniel. Holy Badarak immediately followed its reading and was dedicated to the sacred mystery of the day which stated the victory of Christ over death. The choir joyously sang “Kovya Yerousalem UzDer Haryav Kristos!” “Praise the Lord O Jerusalem, Christ is risen from the dead!”

Upon the conclusion of the service, Fr. Daniel invited the congregation to light their candles symbolizing the mystery of the Light of Christ and His graceful gift of life forever. At the end of the service, our guest clergy Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon said, “The dark cannot separate us from Jesus. His resurrection is a triumph of our faith and the death is no longer separation from God”.


Easter Sunday is the most crowded day at St. Stepanos Church. More than 90 faithful came to our church to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Due to the Holy Week’s COVID restrictions, 30 parishioners followed Badarak in the church hall, which was projected on a big wall screen.

A magnificent Badarak took place. The reduced squad of our choir sang Komitas versions of “Sourp Sourp” and “Amen Hayr Soorp” lead by our choir director Dn. Dr. Terenig Terjanian. The preacher of the day was Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kilejian who concluded the Easter Badarak with Home Blessing Service

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Parish Council, the altar servers, all of the choir members and the Women’s Guild for their devotion and care on Lenten Sundays, especially their active participation in Holy Week. We are grateful to our Yeretzgin and to all the volunteers who worked diligently during Holy Week.

On Easter Sunday, our Women’s Guild members were also able to continue their tradition of selling egg and choreg plates, taking care to package all items in individually sealed containers. While these events could not compare to the usual fellowship hours following Palm Sunday and Easter services, they provided a reminiscent taste and joy for parishioners.

            Krisdos Haryav Ee Merelotz! Orhnyal Eh Haroutiounn Krisdosee!

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